While we are thrilled to finally see some light at the end of the tunnel, our very tender hearts tell us not to break out the confetti just yet. So far, as Travis put it, the worst has happened, so we're trying to prepare ourselves for the worst. As I've been saying for weeks now, we can only take it a day at a time. Some days are harder than others, but we just have to keep the end goal in sight.
It reminds me of what I've heard some women say about their childbirth pains: it is pain with a purpose. They know that at the end of it all, there will be a beautiful child. Today, we received our immunizations for travel to Africa. After four shots, my right arm is sore to say the least. Believe me, I know this no where compares to childbirth, but I tried to see it as pain with a purpose. Each step we take brings us one step closer to Mia. And one day, hopefully soon, I will hold her in my arms and all of this pain, waiting, and heartache will be so worth it.
Travel Vaccinations for Ethiopia - $557.00
Adoption Fees - $25,000.00
Waiting, Waiting, and More Waiting - Agonizing
Holding My Baby Girl for the First Time - Priceless
Adoption Fees - $25,000.00
Waiting, Waiting, and More Waiting - Agonizing
Holding My Baby Girl for the First Time - Priceless